This study, commissioned by the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) elicits the views of the supply chain for large biomass installations in the non-domestic sector on the effectiveness of the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI).

The study forms part of a wider independent evaluation of the influential RHI which informs a government consultation on potential changes to the scheme. It explores views on:

  • How successfully the RHI has been delivered;
  • How the large biomass installations market is adapting to the RHI;
  • What impact the RHI is having on the large biomass installations industry; and
  • What impact the RHI is having on the development of renewable heat technologies.

It also covers a number of research themes that emerged during the evaluation, such as the technological dominance of biomass; the impact of the biomass tariff degression; and boiler sizing.

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