This guide commissioned by Resource London and London Environment Directors Network (LEDNET) was launched at the London Conference on Thursday 16th March 2017 by Sue Harris from LEDNET and Eunomia authors Joe Papineschi and Rob Gillies.

The guide identifies a number of areas in which London Boroughs can work more effectively with tenants and landlords to tackle waste management problems in the domestic rented sector.

Resource London and LEDNET appointed Eunomia to develop the guide after research suggested excess waste, difficulty in containing waste, and high levels of recycling contamination from the rented sector contributed to poor street scene and represented a barrier to London reinvigorating recycling.

A total of six sections are covered in the guide including:

  • Communications;
  • Collaboration;
  • Tenancy agreements;
  • Waste collection service provision and policies;
  • Licencing and enforcement.

A project board with representation from the local authority and rental sectors including the National Landlords Association, ARLA Propertymark and Advice 4 Renters, contributed to the development of the guide.

The Appendix to this report is available here.

This report is available free of charge. Please provide a few details about yourself and one of the team will email you the full report shortly.