Eunomia was commissioned by Zero Waste Scotland to analyse responses to the Scottish Government’s consultation on its National Litter Strategy. The consultation was published on 4th July 2013 and put forward a package of complementary measures designed to challenge individuals who litter and flytip, support those who already dispose of their waste responsibly and encourage more recycling. It closed on 27th September 2013.

This report aims to provide a summary of the responses to the consultation. The consultation contained both closed and open questions.

  • Closed questions required respondents to pick from a defined list of responses (typically Agree/Partially Agree/Disagree or Yes/No).
  • Open questions invited respondents to provide reasons for their chosen closed question response, or to submit information for the Scottish Government to be taken into account when finalising its policy.

Where appropriate we have sought to code open responses into appropriate categories to aid analysis. In these cases, the charts throughout this report show all available coding options even if no response fell into a specific category for a given case. Responses to both types of question were taken into account in the course of the analysis.

A total of 102 responses to the consultation were received. The majority of answers provided to each question that concerned whether the respondent agreed with the Scottish Government’s policy proposals were positive. The only exception to this was the response to Question 13, regarding the level at which fixed penalties should be set, where many respondents called for higher penalties than the Scottish Government proposed.

This report is available free of charge. Please provide a few details about yourself and one of the team will email you the full report shortly.

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