Eunomia undertook analysis in support of the policy options included in the European Commission’s revised circular economy package published in December 2015.

This final report was published by the Commission and includes detailed analysis and consideration of various aspects of the proposed package, including:

  • The costs and benefits of the policy options which have been included in the Commission’s supplement to the impact assessment;
  • How Member States’ reported tonnage of municipal solid waste may change under different definitions of municipal waste;
  • How performance against the proposed recycling targets could be measured in a consistent manner across Member States;
  • What the impact might be of allowing reuse to count towards the proposed targets in the Waste Framework Directive and the Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive; and
  • What volume of material could potentially be recovered from Mechanical Biological Treatment (MBT) and incineration facilities, and what impacts this has, or, in the case of metal recovery from incinerators, may have, on Member States’ recycling rates.

This report is available free of charge. Please provide a few details about yourself and one of the team will email you the full report shortly. In addition, the technical appendices to the report can be downloaded as a *.zip file here.
